Guess where the WTBTS suggests elders should get treatment? (Please read carefully)
When severe distress persists, though, it is well to recall Jesus’ words: “Persons in health do not need a physician, but the ailing do.” (Matthew 9:12) Many distressed persons are reluctant to see a physician. Elders and family members may thus need to encourage a brother to seek medical attention, such as having a thorough examination by a trusted doctor. Says Professor Maurice J. Martin: “A wide variety of physical diseases masquerade as psychiatric disorders.” And even where mental illness really is involved, effective treatments often exist.
The wife of an elder tells how her disturbed husband “became afraid to be around the brothers and didn’t want to go to the meetings. . . . He desperately wanted to die!” But after he received professional medical attention, his wife was able to report: “He is no longer deeply depressed, nor does he want to stay away from meetings. This morning he gave the public talk!”
The Watchtower 1988, October 15, page 27